Recent events have elevated diversity, equity and inclusion to the front and center of our nation’s collective conscience. It’s no surprise that these critical matters also top the priority list for HR professionals, who are working to evolve their cultures to ensure they celebrate diversity, practice equity and embrace inclusion.
One audience this is particularly important to is millennials, a generation 80 million strong that dominates the current and future talent pool. Millennials are expected to make up 75 percent of the workforce by 2025, according to a 2018 Deloitte Millennial Survey. This survey also revealed that a full 83 percent of millennials are more engaged in the workplace when they believe their company has an authentically inclusive culture.
This type of culture also impacts the bottom line. A survey from McKinsey & Company makes it clear that companies with more diverse workforces perform better financially – to the tune of up to 35% percent higher.
Weaving These Values into the Fabric of Your Organization
If you’re working hard to establish these values in your company, you know the importance of having it start at the top and permeate through every level of the organization, from the board room to the mail room. These values must be reflected in everything your organization does, from who it hires, to how it trains, rewards and compensates employees, to what it communicates that prove you’re building a more equitable workplace. And this must be far more than lip service. To be authentic, these values must be reinforced consistently in daily actions and words.
Opportunities to Celebrate Differences
Celebrating differences is a great way to build a diverse and inclusive culture. And what better time to do this than on days and months named to honor diverse communities?
Let’s take PRIDE month as an example because it’s coming up in June. Recognized around the world, PRIDE month is an ideal time to celebrate your company’s support for the LGBTQ+ community. Loads of companies colorfully transform their logos in June to reflect PRIDE’s signature rainbow. If you want to join this colorful bunch picture above, make sure your support for this community goes deeper than your logo. These companies create awesome PRIDE logos for the month of June and also have meaningful efforts in place to support the LGBTQ+ community.
Here are a few ideas to help you bring PRIDE to life inside the walls of your company:
- Make the month of June a time to showcase photos and stories of the diverse voices of the LGBTQ+ community inside your organization, highlight stories and celebrate contributions.
- Invite an outside speaker in to conduct a diversity awareness workshop in your company.
- Encourage employees to get involved in your local PRIDE parade and support charitable organizations like the Pride Foundation.
- Post a blog that articulates your company’s support for this community and demonstrates actions that prove it.
- Bring your support to life visually by flying colorful PRIDE flags and banners.
- And who doesn’t like some good swag? Dole out awesome PRIDE t-shirts or hats to employees and dedicate one day in June that everyone wears them.
- Or better yet, have a PRIDE party!
Our brand ambassadors have endless creative ideas on how you can celebrate PRIDE month, along with other themed days/months. What’s even better, we can help with the heavy lifting to make it happen. To learn more, email us at or go here.
PRIDE month is just one example of how to celebrate diversity in your organization. Throughout the year, there are many themed days and months that provide the perfect time to show your company’s support.
Here are a few calendars to help you keep track:
Finally, have fun celebrating diversity on special days and months, but authentically demonstrate your company’s support for this value every day of the year.